Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To Internet Market Without Failing or Alienating Everyone You Know

Did you graduate from the University of Internet Marketing? IMU? The Community College of the Internet Professionals?

How To?

We all want to have passive, residual income and be seen as successes to those who know us and internet marketing can afford that…at least that is what we believe. After all, there are hundreds of people who have become successes by working online, they have the pictures of big houses, nice cars, amazing vacations spots, some have pictures of a lot of cash. Whatever the images may be the message is clear -they have what the majority of people want. And what is our knee-jerk reaction? To go after that person and try to do what they do to get what they have and what we want. Seems pretty simple. If someone appears to have success from knowledge of an industry that you are interested in you approach them. In conventional business there are internships and externships. In internet marketing it seems more like career Russian Roulet.
Without Failing
In my world, failure is not an option. I don’t have a fall back plan. I have success or nothing. I am known for my tenacity. When I want something I go after it and I don’t back down until I get it. I invest everything that I have, time that I don’t and sacrifice more than most to achieve the outcome that I want. When life knocks me down I get back up. Staying on the ground is never an option. Through abandonment, isolation, poverty, agony, infirmament (chronic illness), destruction, disappointment, abuse, neglect, exploitation, bereavement and inadequacy I have forged ahead. Some days my most triumphant statement is, “I am still here.” Adversity in my mind, is a gift. It grows you in ways that you never would have grown in other circumstances or with different experiences. I have made some of the most miraculous, if not often short-term, relationships in situations of adversity. My assessment therefore is that if you are comfortable your potential growth is not optimized. No, growing is not always comfortable, but it is necessary to become something more than you are.
“The only person that you need to better than is who you were yesterday.”
Today I am at more peace than I was yesterday. Tomorrow brings more adventure. An adventure isn’t an adventure unless you are at one point unsure of the outcome. Often times we are scared and uncertain during a great adventure and our ingenuity and faith in ourselves, and sometimes others is tried and proven. Our perspective often determines our outcome. Are you facing every day as an adventure or as a battle where you can lose?

Without Alienating Everyone You Know

People want to come along on an adventure, just watch the most recent Disney’s Peter Pan. Peter invites Wendy to come to Neverland and initially she refuses. It is only when Peter tells her about what adventures await them that she cannot say no and then asks to bring her brothers along. I giggle every time that I watch that part. I gain inspiration from cartoons and movies aimed at a younger crowd. I often forget that most people think about these things to even if they don’t always verbalize it in their day to day communications.
When you are talking about a product or service are you mentioning the “feel goods”?

“I saved so much out of the money that I had budgeted for shopping with Wake Up Now today that I got to take my kid(s) to see Thor.”
“I got locked out of my car again but this time I had MCA to be my instant boyfriend and save me! I saved 2 hours waiting and my groceries didn’t go bad. Yay!”
“EPX…man I hate you! I had to go buy jeans that were a size smaller last week and again with the shopping this week! The clerk was asking me what I was doing…Can’t go anywhere ;-)”

Is your internet marketing journey a fun one that others want to join?
Are you just flashing signs on the social media street corner at passers by who feel sorry for you?
Do the people that you seem to friend, follow and promote appear more as carnival matre` de’s and their methods and success are all smoke and mirrors?
Are you playing Follow The Leader over a digital cliff and everyone can see it but you?

What to do to get the how to?

Until there is a legitimate internet marketing college you need to educate yourself just like you are a student. Get some books, read about what you are doing. That is what you did in school and what students going into a field of work do. That is the secret that the successful people are not telling you about, or if they are telling you, are you listening?
Be the master of your own career and get on track without any distorted information and hearsay and go research some information that will get you what you need to know to be where you want and need to be.

I read books for my newsletter so that 1.) I am satisfying my need to learn 2.) I am setting an example and 3.) My readers who pay me to give them concentrated info, because they may not have the time to read books, get it quick and simple.
If that is your thing then go to my website and subscribe to my newsletter at http://www.workingwithamyathome.com or http://www.workingwithamyathome.webs.com
If you don’t want help, then don’t complain when you don’t get the results that you were set up to expect. We all make our own destiny and create our own fate.

About your author
I am on You Tube at the channel WorkingWithAmyAtHome
I have the facebook group WorkingWithAmyAtHome Resources
and can be reached at workingwithamyathome@gmail.com 

How Do You Do It? Online Marketing

"Where are you?"
"Can I Google You?"
"What do you do?"
"I work online..."
That is what I tell people. The first question that I found people asking me once I started was, "Do you make money doing that?" My reaction was initially was, "Yes, of course I do." Like, duh. Now I my inner sarcastic imp wants to start staying, "No, not a dime...I just sit at home and my bills pay themselves while I watch online streaming videos and play on Facebook, just like everyone else who's online..." 

Those of us who get into the online networking world do it to make money. Some folks are flashy and show all their cash (I don't keep cash on me, too paranoid, lol) other folks just post their positivity sharing their joy in their good attitudes and others are mysterious about their income because they don't want to draw attention to themselves(me), just what they do.

"How do you do it?"
I have tried to explain when I get the question, "How do you work online?" I just had the chance to show someone what I do and how I do it. It felt great! The first time I did that was with my best friend and she understood it. The second time was a friend and she got it. That was a good feeling! I told people over the phone and it makes sense but explaining is really something that is visually interactive. Today I had the best feedback from a stranger and yes, I had the colly wobbles in my tummy, but I know that the products and tools that I have are phenomenal and he is going to talk to people. 
Feedback for me is like fresh air. Oh man, do I need it! 
How did I first see what I use now? Via Skype screen share. That is being visual to max! I am highly considering hosting a web visual time myself! 
Woa, Amy now that is going to expose you to a lot of people and people...well, 'gulp' people are unpredictable. Yes, but what do we all want? A way to pay our bills, less stress, more freedom, more time to do what we want and to be happy! So if you are offering that chances are the majority of people that encounter you are going to agree. 
And believe me, most people can find at least one thing that they wish they could change about their job, or they realize that they just aren't going to achieve their dreams at an age that they can really enjoy it.

How do you?
I don't do nothing. Seriously. I research, I share, I write, I email, I video and I stay open to interactions with other and I work my businesses! How do I do that? I use great tools!
Get some good direction with my newsletter at http://www.workingwithamyathome.com or http://www.workingwithamyathome.webs.com

Did you attend Internet Marketing and Network Marketing University, or U of IM, or the community college of the Internet? No.
Didn't you have teachers in school? Maybe it is time to admit that you don't know everything and get some instruction on how to go about your new career. There are schools for everything except internet marketing. Yes, you can take your chances on an academy or a system, but following some proven methods and procedures will save you time and money in your journey to making money online.

About your author
I am on You Tube at the channel WorkingWithAmyAtHome
I have the facebook group WorkingWithAmyAtHome Resources
and can be reached at workingwithamyathome@gmail.com

*This article is the intellectual property of Amy J. Smith, copyright, all rights reserved 2013.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Guru Lead Genie

It is time to level the playing field and make some new gurus! All you need are leads and you can take names and kick some marketing butt, too!
Affordable leads with reliable information!
Mailer direction, more products for newbies... Go see at theguruleadgenie.webs.com

Let me tell you, when I started marketing online nobody, not even my first sponsor told me about needing leads because that person had never used them...wow. I had to learn the hard way with discovering that I needed them.
Then I had to hunt for a mailer.

How lucky are you that you have a one stop shop at my site?
You can even pick up an auto-responder...don't leave without that!

Here is to your success!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Give It To Me Straight & Don't Waste My Time (4/16/2013 Newsletter)

Making Money Online...And Keeping It? Can I Do That?

(Warning: Reading this letter may cause joy)

"Hey sis! I saw your video. Good job. How much seed money we talking about? Please just give it to me straight ...don't do the speel ;)" 

That was the response my sister had to reading my very first blog, seen here.
How did I feel? Excited, encouraged...and then a bit pressured, quite frankly. And challenged to doe something that will be effective, so I created a newsletter with fantastic content at https://workingwithamyathome.com

How big of a vote of confidence is it to have a family member interested in your new venture?! Whether you just sculpted your first clay pot, or wrote a blog, or put together your first scrap book page, having someone interested in something that came from you is a great feeling! It's like, "Yes, I do exist! I rock!"
Feedback, that is what it comes down to and I don't know about you, but I like good feedback. It makes me feel good, ads value to what I do and spurs me on to do even more.

How big is the pressure when you have to tell a family member what you are now doing for income...when it is unconventional? Yeah... You have to come from a place of strength and confidence because the people who know you really know you; the good, the bad, and what you are working on.

Unconventional income. That is what working online is. Why do people even do that?
Are you sitting down? In October of 2012 there were 2 billion people online. In March of 2013 there were 2.5 billion people online. That is 500 million people that came online in 6 months! Wow, huh?
I can't think of a better market to work in that I can touch 2.5 billion people, can you?

I go to work everyday knowing that as long as I put in a bit of effort for exposure that I am going to capture the attention of a huge market (because I have wicked awesome tools highlighted in my pilot blog first post)! There is no grain of doubt in my mind about how I operate my business and make my income.

How Do I Do It?

How do you do it? You connect with me and run with me at my site http://workingwithamyathome.com. I have a step by step process and no, I do not charge to teach. I get people started and help them go from zero to hero.
Simple steps to market;
1.) Social network placement, using what you have now to get your word out.
2.) Tools to communicate with leads and direct sign ups.
3.) Tools for creating and growing your sales funnel;
    *Lead generation
    *Traffic generation
    *Promotional tools
    *Tips & tricks of the trade.
    *Insider secrets from internet marketing veterans
    *How to work smarter not harder
4.) Consistent mentorship and up-to-date information on trends

It's not rocket science, it's internet marketing and you can do it too!

Your Author
I learned these things through trial and error. For more information and to start working with me at home the smart, productive and affordable way, please email me at workingathomewithamy@gmail.com, for my newsletter containing the latest information from vetted internet marketing sensations, successful, positive online presences and more!
On You Tube at the channel WorkingWithAmyAtHome
Facebook group WorkingWithAmyAtHome Resources
Google+ workingwithamyathome@gmail.com
Twitter @_AmyJSmith

*This blog is the intellectual property of Amy J. Smith, all rights reserved 2013.